RMB Big Move Trades
“Buy low and sell high…”
This phrase may be well known, but real-world opportunities to do it with reasonable risk are relatively rare. Our Big Move Trades are specifically designed to identify these opportunities by using our unique “pennies-on-the-dollar,” long-term, “set it and forget it” option strategies. You can use these relatively inexpensive strategies to give your portfolio big exposure to energy, metals, commodities, foreign currencies and more for far less than stocks, ETFs or other more “traditional” investments.
To see how, check out our latest Big Move Trades below:
Defusing the Bond Bomb
A Multi-Year Strategy for Rising Rates
Using 10-Year Treasury Note Options, RMB Group Chief Market Strategist, Lindsay Hall, has created a low cost, long-term, professional trading strategy that has the potential to profit from higher interest rates and/or lower bond prices.
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Wheat Is Cheap vs. Corn
Wheat and corn are not the same. Both are sources of energy and protein and can be eaten by humans and fed to livestock. However when it comes to bang for the kernel, wheat wins by a mile. A simple way to measure relative food value is to compare calories. At 339 calories per 100 grams versus corn’s 86 calories per gram, wheat has nearly four times the stored energy of corn. This is a big reason why the price of wheat rarely drops below the price of corn. It’s also why we pay attention when it does.
Hedging Stock Exposure With VIX Futures
The public stayed on the sideline for most of the recent 127% rise in the stock market. Now that they’re back in and investing again, is it time for caution? The Russell 2000 (up 8.13%) and the S&P 500 (up 6.65%) were the number 1 and number 2 best global investments of 2013 in the week ending February 22, 2013. We can’t expect this kind of performance to last forever. At the same time, we don’t want to be frightened out of the market too easily either. One way to avoid being left on the sidelines during periods of solid stock market performance and not get burned by a surprise collapse is to “hedge” your stock positions. VIX can be a cost-effective way to do it…